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We bring the classic from school sports to the lawn in Munich. Do you want to play dodgeball with us in your free time? From beginners to professionals - we are always happy to welcome new players.

What started out of a private initiative in August 2022 has now grown into a steadily growing dodgeball community in Munich. What unites us is our love for the game. If you feel the same way as we do, you are invited to play dodgeball with us. Just join our WhatsApp group and you'll find out when we'll meet up next in Munich.


Now let's get to the rules of dodgeball...

In dodgeball (alternate title: two-field ball), two teams face each other. The goal is to throw off the players of the opposing team with the ball. Whoever has been thrown off moves to the edge of the opponent's playing zone and from there can throw him- or herself back into the own field with a hit.


What counts as a hit?

In dodgeball, a player is considered "dropped" if he or she is hit in the body with the ball by an opposing player and the ball then falls to the ground. If the ball is caught, you are saved. Hits to the face are prohibited in dodgeball. Also, anyone who crosses the boundaries of their own playing field have to leave it and throw themselves back into the game from the edge.

Long live the king!

In dodgeball, each team chooses a king (alternative title: "Free spirit") before the game begins. The king stays in the border area of the opponent and only enters the playing field when no field player of the own team is there anymore.  In dodgeball, the king has three lives and gets the ball. If one of the two kings has lost all three lives, the game is over. Then it's time to change sides!

And before we forget...

We play dodgeball with two balls (foam softballs). This makes "our" dodgeball more dynamic than you might remember from school, but at the same time strengthens team spirit, fairness and honesty - our code at Völkerballtreff München.

Contact Völkerballtreff München

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Völkerballtreff München

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